Friday 14 February 2014


Clay plain roof tiles are not only a practical, highly durable and sustainable form of roofing, but they also offer architects and homeowners a wealth of opportunities to be creative in design.

The rich tones and undulations of a roof made from handmade plain or peg tiles are in themselves pleasing to the eye with their gentle camber, subtle variation of colour and texture and their tendency to weather and mature naturally.

However, you can make your property even more individual by adding extra detailing through ornamental tiles, such as these ‘double shouldered clubs’.  Decorative ornamental tiles like these are particularly effective when laid together in a series of bands alongside handmade plain tiles of a different colour.

Alternatively, decorative tiles like this combination of  ‘arrowhead and club tiles’ on this cottage can make a delightful feature when hung vertically alongside handmade plain tiles. Once a form of weather protection, vertical tiling is now a popular way to add value, character and individuality to a property.

Similarly, creasing tiles are not only a practical means of preventing dampness in walls, but these flat nib-less plain tiles can be used in corbelling, arches, chimneys and as an attractive decorative finish to brick and stonework.


Even creative use of hip and ridge tiles can add aesthetic value rather than being simply a practical necessity. Here the more prominent rounded edge makes an interesting feature, particularly if coloured mortar is used.

Contact Tudor Roof Tiles for ideas and advice on how you can make handmade plain tiles and their accessories a feature of your building project.


  1. Thanks so much for posting this information for clay roof tiles. I have been really interested in finding out more about clay roof tiles . I feel like this really helped!
