Thursday 25 July 2019

Ridge Tile Selection

Ridge selection is often based on aesthetics. But the performance of the ridges is critical to the integrity of any roof.

Third round ridges (seen here on the left), are often used in place of traditional bonnet hips.

Half round ridges (far right) offer greater weather protection, and generally use less mortar on traditional roofs.

Hogs back ridges (center) generally work well on roof pitches between 40 and 45 degrees.
We have come across projects where the use of hogs back ridges has not been possible because of their lack of height clearance. So whether they are mortared down, dry fixed, or a combination of both, choosing the right ridge is an important consideration. 

Tudor handmade ridges are available in all of our standard colours to match your tile choice. Additionally, baby ridges and mono ridges are part of our standard range of fittings, all made in Lydd Kent.

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